The best ways to get rid of stretch marks

It's no secret that stretch marks are one of the most common complaints women have about their body. Don’t worry – we get it! Sometimes it can be hard to feel confident when you're struggling with stretch marks. Though some stretch marks fade with time, many women are looking for a way to get rid of their stretch marks faster and reach for creams, oils or skincare products that will help prevent them in the first place! If you're looking for ways to banish your stretch marks for good, you're in luck! There are ways to reduce the appearance of stretch marks, and we're going to share the best techniques with you. Keep reading to learn more about the best ways to get rid of stretch marks.

What are stretch marks and how do they form?

Stretch marks are markings that can occur on the skin during periods of rapid growth or change. They are commonly seen during pregnancy, as the skin stretches to accommodate the growing baby and during puberty, as the body grows and changes shape. If you’ve recently gained or lost a large amount of weight, you might also notice a few extra silvery stretch mark lines appear.

Stretch marks form when the skin is abruptly stretched beyond its normal capacity. The stretch causes the collagen and elastin fibres in the dermis layer of your skin to break down. At this time, the forming stretch marks can appear reddish or purple in colour, and may even become itchy as the skin is under stress. As the skin heals, these fibres reform, but they don’t always line up perfectly, which creates the distinctive markings of stretch marks.

Know the best ways to prevent stretch marks from forming in the first place

Stretch marks can be somewhat difficult to get rid of once they form, especially without the help of cosmetic treatments. But the good news is, there are things you can do to help prevent them from happening in the first place or help treat them as they appear.

As with everything we share here at Skin From Within, we believe in a holistic approach to skincare. So we couldn’t talk about stretch marks, without also talking about how what you put (or don’t!!) in your body can contribute to the development of stretch marks. 

Eating a varied, healthy diet is of course key to keeping your skin looking and feeling great, and functioning optimally. When it comes to stretch marks, this is no different. Nutrients such as vitamin C, D, E, zinc and protein all play a role in collagen production, which improves the elasticity of your skin.

Whilst getting your daily requirements of vitamin D is crucial for regulating skin function, it’s important that you’re doing so in a healthy way. Therefore, we always suggest using a high-quality, full-spectrum SPF, as UV rays can increase the likelihood of stretch marks by damaging your skin’s collagen and elastin.

In addition to these vitamins, it’s crucial to keep your skin moisturised to prevent stretch marks. When skin is properly hydrated, it is more elastic and less likely to tear when stretched. Great skin hydration doesn’t just come from drinking enough water though, you can also keep your skin supple and boost your cellular hydration with essential fatty acids. 

Another way to prevent stretch marks from forming is to use creams and moisturisers pro-actively, which is particularly important if you are experiencing rapid weight gain or loss, or you are pregnant. DMK’s Maximum Moisture is our go-to moisturiser for helping to prevent stretch marks in growing skin. This soft and smooth body moisturiser contains nourishing Jojoba and Snow Mushroom, which is being hailed as the ‘next hyaluronic acid’ for its ultimate hydration capabilities and its rich constitution of A (retinols), C & D vitamins.

Discover the best treatments for existing stretch marks

While stretch marks are harmless and pose no health risks, many feel self-conscious about their existence. If you’re concerned about the appearance of your stretch marks, are not sure how to get rid of them, or are wondering if they can be removed at all – you're definitely not alone. Millions of women are affected by stretch marks and many don't know where to turn for help. Lucky for you, our team is dedicated to helping you feel confident in your skin. There are a few options for how to treat stretch marks, and our team can help determine the best approach for you and your skin!

DMK Body Enzyme

DMK’s Body Enzyme therapy is a non-invasive way to soften the tears caused by your skin stretching too fast and repair the skin’s tissue. Here at Skin From Within, we often use DMK’s Body Enzyme protocol as a first-resort for stretch mark removal as it not only reduces the appearance of stretch marks, but it also works to rejuvenate the skin at a cellular level, helping it to function optimally.

RF Skin Tightening

RF skin tightening uses radiofrequency (RF) energy to heat the skin, which helps to promote collagen production deep in the dermis layers. Collagen is a protein that is responsible for skin elasticity. As this collagen moves to the surface of your skin, skin remodelling occurs, reducing the appearance of stretch marks. Whilst you’ll likely notice a difference after just one session, you may need a few sessions depending on the severity of your stretch marks and the size of the area being treated.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Therapy

IPL, or Intense Pulsed Light therapy, uses pulses of light which target the underlying structures of the skin, stimulating collagen production, smoothing the skin and evening out the skin tone by breaking up any pigmentation within the stretch marks. The results of IPL are usually gradual, and require 3-5 treatments. You’ll likely notice the full effect of IPL treatment after several months.

Although very common and totally natural, stretch marks can leave you feeling unnecessarily self-conscious. However, there are ways to prevent stretch marks from forming in the first place, and treatments to help reduce and remove existing stretch marks. If you’re concerned about stretch marks or want more information on how to reduce their appearance, our team at Skin From Within are here to help. Contact us today for a consultation or visit our MediSpa located in Tugun, Gold Coast!


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