New Year New Skin - Let your skin bounce back after holidays

It's all been a blast – the parties, soirees, BBQs and summer afternoon sessions with friends – but sadly the holidays are over. 

It's a new year, and you are a new version of yourself (or at least you want to be). There has never been a 2023 version of you and you want to show the world your best and feel it too. In this blog, we reveal the secret to your skin looking and feeling its best and brightest, before you return to work. 

So what’s the secret then? Great skin starts in your gut. The term “love your guts” is exactly what you should be doing at this time of year, especially if you have been eating richer foods and drinking more than normal. You’ve probably noticed that your skin is looking less than its best. The skin-gut connection revelation of the past decade has provided remarkable transformations for those with acne and other inflammatory skin conditions, along with helping reverse the signs of ageing and here is why.

The skin-gut connection is one of the most significant and impactful holistic links in our bodies. Your skin health is largely determined by the inner workings of your gut and the microorganisms that exist within it, collectively known as the gut microbiome. 

Good skin health starts from within, that's why we call ourselves Skin From Within, and our focus is holistic skincare. Studies have shown that skin conditions are affected by inflammation or disruption to a balanced state of the digestive tract.

An imbalance in the gut microbiome can lead to skin problems like eczema, psoriasis, hives, rosacea, and acne. 

If you’re suffering from any of these skin conditions, rebalancing your gut with prebiotic and probiotic rich foods and supplements, like Regul8, can help heal your skin by getting to the root cause of your skin problem – your gut microbiome.

The importance of your gut health for skin cannot be understated. While our gut can feel hidden away behind the curtain, it is responsible for setting our body right — playing an integral role in everything from energy production to hormone balance. And with approximately 70 percent of our immune system located in the stomach area, taking great care of our digestive system is crucial to improving overall health.

But what is your gut trying to tell you? Thankfully there is a way to decode our gut feelings and gain insight into what’s really happening inside. Our stomach communicates in a literal language - from zero sound to hunger grumbles. While poo-related talk comes coded in other ways from constipation to embarrassing backside squeaks. Our skin, however, tells the story of gut health by showing us on the outside of our bodies how it’s feeling and functioning on the inside. 

6 things you can do to improve your gut health

Taking care of your gut health is essential for maintaining overall good health, and bodily functions and there are a number of ways to go about doing that. 

For starters, getting proper sleep is central for aiding digestive functions, as our bodies use night time to heal and rejuvenate. 

Additionally, introducing fermented foods into your diet can help add probiotics that support digestion and restore the natural flora in the gut microbiome. Include food such as kombucha, miso, sauerkraut and yoghurt. But the easiest and best way is with supplements such as Regul8 digestive tune up. This daily supplement will cleanse your gut, restore the microbiome and help to maintain it so that your skin treatments improve the look and feel of your skin. 

After indulging over the holidays, it is good to limit the consumption of processed foods, which contain high amounts of sugar, salt, and preservatives, as this will be very beneficial in countering acne flares due to its connection to gut health.

Consuming more water will help hydrate and flush out toxins from the body, keeping your skin glowing and your organs functioning well.  Increasing fibre intake through vegetables plays an important role in managing skin conditions such as acne, as acne-sufferers typically have lower levels of healthy bacteria in their gut microbiome. 

Get some exercise. Exercise not only helps you feel better mentally, it also helps get the blood flowing around your body faster. This means your blood transports more of the nutrients and goodness to your skin. 

Bonus tip: Don’t overload your schedule with a blockbuster January. Stress is a huge impactor of the skin. It increases inflammation in the skin and when there is inflammation there are skin issues, such as increased pigmentation, rosacea, and acne flare ups. Yep, all of the big ones can be affected by stress. 

Tune up your Digestive System with the Benefits of Regul8

As mentioned above, Regul8 is one of the fastest and best ways to get your gut to bounce back, which benefits you both mentally and physically after the holidays. It’s a New Year. And it’s time for brand new skin. Don’t let last year keep showing up on your skin. 

When it comes to gut healing Regul8 has had so many success stories and five star reviews. The best part? Regul8 has no side effects – so taking them only gives you an upside. They are also not only for those with skin issues. If you suffer with digestive issues including bloating and bad gas, or mental fatigue and a fuzzy focus then Regul8 is your gateway to great gut health and great skin.

Throughout January, we, together with the team at Regul8, are giving away a FREE gift with purchase. A practical and very cool pill case and water bottle to keep you hydrated, and you’ll never forget to take your Regul8 supplement again. So ‘love your guts' and take the 30 day Regul8 digestive tune up, making this a New Year and the BEST New You ever. Grab yours today. While stocks last. 


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